About us

Agentie servicii marketing si dezvoltarea echipei goodstory
You are on good hands.

GoodStory begins from the belief that the success of a business is actually a team’s success. Therefore, for more than 10 years, our specialists and trainers have been contributing to the development of organizations by growing the teams behind them.

We are experienced business strategists, we like to think outside the box and to explore the boundaries. We build unconventional strategies with personalized ideas for each partner, in order to ensure the continuous development of both the teams and the business.

Together with our clients we do all these things through assessment tools (assessment and development centres), trainings and workshops dedicated to teams, we provide new learning & development experiences so that our clients' teams evolve continuously, we offer career counselling and coaching so that our clients' teams will reach out positions that motivate and challenge them to exceed their own limits.

We enhance the commitment to the client's brand with personalized corporate events, teambuilding’s that connect teams with each other.

GoodStory means a success story written in three steps: evaluation, learning & development and teams’ motivation.
Our entire team



Discover the real potential of your team and virtually of the entire organization. GoodStory experts will assist you in this process by applying specific tools and providing validated assessments. This way we can help you bring the team to an optimal level of communication, collaboration and synergy.



Support your team to reach its true potential! GoodStory experts have the necessary tools and know-how to offer counseling and coaching programs, courses and workshops aimed to develop specific skills aligned with your company’s internal profiles, but also programs for developing leadership skills.



Through the methods developed by GoodStory over the 10 years of experience we can provide the necessary framework to increase the motivation of the team, its performance and the performance of the organization. In addition, the entire team will learn how to act in accordance with the company's organizational culture.

Let's tell a GoodStory!
Our products are connecting human capital with business strategies that will give your business a competitive edge and good story to tell.
Agentie organizare petreceri si evenimente corporate goodstory
Agentie organizare team building goodstory
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Am creat prima pagină a istoriei team building-ului în Clever împreună cu GoodStory pentru a mă asigura că pornim cu dreptul!

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Ioana Soare

Clever Tech

GoodStory are o echipa formata din persoane dinamice, entuziaste si profesioniste, echipa pe care o recomand cu caldura.

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Andra Vladu

Veeam Romania

Colaborarea cu echipa Goodstory a decurs excelent intrucat au dat dovada de profesionalism si un excelent spirit organizatoric.

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Larisa Cinca
